Have an InSPArational Rosh Hashana!
September 27th, 2011Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy Rosh Hashana, and only the best in the year ahead!
Shana tova from all of us at Hey Yiddle Diddle Productions!
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Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy Rosh Hashana, and only the best in the year ahead!
Shana tova from all of us at Hey Yiddle Diddle Productions!
…is what we’ll be saying in a few days. Until then, enjoy the happiest of holidays that is known as Chanukah. Or Hanukah. Or however else you want to spell it! Please feel free to pass this image along to your mailing list, family, and friends
Happy Chanukah from all of us at Hey Yiddle Diddle Productions!
The results are in for Hey Yiddle Diddle Production’s first ever contest to “Name Our Chanukah Mascot!”. Winners were chosen based on originality, creativity, and in some instances the ability to distinguish themselves from other similar submissions. The winning name was selected based on applicability of the name to this particular character, and not to dreidels in general.
And with that we would like to invite all of you to:
The winning entry, “DZ”, was submitted by Tamar Wisemon of Bet Shemesh, Israel. Tamar will receive Hey Yiddle Diddle’s “Freezin’ My Tuchus Off” sweatshirt. Congratulations!
There were many creative entries submitted from all over the world. Runners-up will receive a free copy of A Yearly Shpritz of Jewish Bits: The Ultimate Calendar of Jewish Humor (Old & New), and their submissions will be featured as names for upcoming HYDP Chanukah mascots to be introduced next year. And here is the list of honorable mentions and the names of those who submitted them:
“Jimmy Gimmel” - William Levin
“Tzvi Von” - Joanna Kristall
“Dr. Drei Dell” - Goldie Ellman
“Izzy Dreidelstein” - Eli Newman
“Chai Roller” - Lizzy Schmutter
“NaGaHaSha” - Laura Berger
Thanks again to everyone who participated. Stay ‘tooned for the next “Name Our Mascot, Win Some Stuff” contest…for Purim! And happy Chanukah! =0)
Hey Yiddle Diddle Productions is giving away one of its unique sweatshirts!
Just come up with the winning name for our beloved dreidel mascot, and our prized “Freezin’ My Tuchus Off” sweatshirt is yours!
The deadline is the 5st day of Chanukah: Friday, December 26nd, at 12:00 PM EST. The winning entry will be announced on the 7nd day of Chanukah: Sunday, December 28rd.
E-mail your entries to contests@heyyiddlediddle.com. Include “Dreidel Name Submission” in your subject line. Good luck!
Chari Pere, Hey Yiddle Diddle Productions Founder & President, was interviewed on the Nachum Segal JM in the AM Radio Show last week. He did some nice plugging and blogging for the calendar. You can listen to the interview below:
Special thanks to HYDP friend Elie Hirschman for isolating this clip.
The Hey Yiddle Diddle Online Store is now open at CafePress.com! T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, baby products, and other items are available for purchase!
“The Yiddle Collection” features numerous fresh, fun Jewish joke and cartoon-based items that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face! These products make fantastic gifts for birthdays, holidays, and any days! Collect them all!
Please send feedback about the designs that you love and on which products. And stay tuned for new designs - there are loads of ‘em coming!
A Yearly Shpritz of Jewish Bits and creator Chari Pere were featured in two outstanding articles and reviews. Check them out:
The Jewish Star: http://thejewishstar.wordpress.com/2008/09/17/the-kosher-bookworm-the-annual-jewish-calendar-caper-meets-its-match/
Jewish Comics Blog: http://jewishcomics.blogspot.com/2008/09/yearly-shpritz-of-jewish-bits.html